
Electronic-current dynamics play an important role in photoinduced processes and magnetooptics. We theoretically demonstrate ultrafast oscillating-magnetic-field generation based on the electronic dynamics from current carrying states irradiated by a nonhelical, linearly polarized laser field. In this driving field, the electronic currents oscillate periodically, which is attributed to the laser-induced energy shift of orbitals. These electronic currents can induce a strong spatial-localized oscillating magnetic field $\mathbf{B}(\mathbf{r},t)$ of several tens of Teslas (${10}^{4}$ G) at the center of targets. The frequency of the induced magnetic field ranges from terahertz to petahertz and can be continuously adjusted by varying the driving laser intensity. The optically induced oscillating magnetic fields we demonstrated will serve as a potential tool for investigations of the ultrafast dynamics in magnetic materials and chiral media.

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