
Transient polarized pump/probe transmission changes upon pulse photoexcitation at 1.6 eV were measured in chiral enriched carbon nanotubes ensembles of both metallic and semiconductor characters, in a very broad probe spectral range from mid-IR to visible, combining several ultrafast laser systems. We identify a photoinduced absorption band at $\ensuremath{\sim}0.7\text{ }\text{eV}$ as due to hot Dirac fermions in the metallic tubes and measure its dynamics. The hot carriers equilibrate within the electronic system in $\ensuremath{\sim}400\text{ }\text{fs}$ and with the lattice within $\ensuremath{\sim}2\text{ }\text{ps}$; in agreement with hot Dirac fermions thermalization in graphene. We also assign excitonic transitions in the semiconducting tubes, mainly of (6,5) chirality; in particular, an intraexciton transition at $\ensuremath{\sim}0.4\text{ }\text{eV}$ represents a lower limit for the exciton binding energy.

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