
Phytophagy has promoted species diversification in many insect groups, including Hymenoptera, one of the most diverse animal orders on Earth. In the predominantly parasitoid family Braconidae, an association with insect-induced, plant galls in angiosperms have been reported in three subfamilies, but in particular in the Doryctinae, where it has been recorded to occur in species of ten genera. Allorhogas Gahan is the most species-rich of these genera, with its species having different phytophagous strategies. Here we conducted a comprehensive phylogenomic study for the doryctine gall-associated genera, with an emphasis on Allorhogas, using ultraconserved elements (UCEs). Based on this estimate of phylogeny we: (1) evaluated their taxonomic composition, (2) estimated the timing of origin of the gall-associated clade and divergence of its main subclades, and (3) performed ancestral state reconstruction analyses for life history traits related to their host-plant association. Our phylogenetic hypothesis confirmed Allorhogas as polyphyletic, with most of its members being nested in a main clade composed of various subclades, each comprising species with a particular host-plant family and herbivorous feeding habit. The origin of gall-association was estimated to have occurred during the late Oligocene to early Miocene, with a subsequent diversification of subclades during the middle to late Miocene and Pliocene. Overlap in divergence timing appears to occur between some taxa and their host-associated plant lineages. Evolution of the feeding strategies in the group shows “inquilinism-feeding” as the likely ancestral state, with gall-formation in different plant organs and seed predation having independently evolved on multiple occasions.

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