
We report here measurements of two-body photoassociative ionization collisions between sodium atoms within an ultranarrow velocity class selected from a well-collimated, thermal atomic beam. Doppler-shifted excitation of the Na(3s${\mathrm{}}^{2}$${\mathit{S}}_{1/2}$;F=1)\ensuremath{\rightarrow}Na(5p${\mathrm{}}^{2}$${\mathit{P}}_{3/2}$) transition at 285 nm by a single-mode laser defines the narrow velocity class that subsequently populates the F=2 hyperfine level of the Na ground state by optical pumping. Probe laser beam excitation tuned near the Na(3s${\mathrm{}}^{2}$${\mathit{S}}_{1/2}$;F=2)\ensuremath{\rightarrow}Na(3p${\mathrm{}}^{2}$${\mathit{P}}_{3/2}$;F=3) transition produced photoassociative ionization with an average collision energy ${\mathit{E}}_{\mathit{K}}$ corresponding to a temperature of 5.3 mK (${\mathit{E}}_{\mathit{K}}$=3/2kT). We determine the rate constant for the process as a function of probe beam intensity and polarization.

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