
We report on the creation of bosonic NaCs molecules in their absolute rovibrational ground state via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. We create ultracold gases with up to 22 000 dipolar NaCs molecules at a temperature of 300(50)nK and a peak density of 1.0(4)×10^{12} cm^{-3}. We demonstrate comprehensive quantum state control by preparing the molecules in a specific electronic, vibrational, rotational, and hyperfine state. We measure the ground state ac polarizability at 1064nm along with the two-body loss rate, which we find to be universal. Employing the tunability and strength of the permanent electric dipole moment of NaCs, we induce dipole moments of up to 2.6D at a dc electric field of 2.1(2) kV/cm and demonstrate strong microwave coupling between the two lowest rotational states with a Rabi frequency of 2π×45 MHz. A large electric dipole moment, accessible at relatively small electric fields, makes ultracold gases of NaCs molecules well suited for the exploration of strongly interacting phases of dipolar quantum matter.

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