
The current status of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) is reviewed, with emphasis given to theoretical interpretation of the observed events. The galactic and extragalactic origin, in case of astrophysical sources of UHE particles, have the problems either with acceleration to the observed energies or with the fluxes and spectra. Topological defects can naturally produce particles with energies as observed and much higher, but in most cases fail to produce the observed fluxes. Cosmic necklaces and monopole-antimonopole pairs are identified as most plausible sources, which can provide the observed flux and spectrum. The relic superheavy particles are shown to be clustering in the Galactic halo, producing UHECR without Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff. The Lightest Supersymmetric Particles are discussed as UHE carriers in the Universe.

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