
Starting form the thesis that the digital constitutes one of the most important contemporary sites for production of the political power, in this text I’m researching the role of technology in geopolitics of knowledge. In the contemporary information society cyberspace has become the major site for the production and construction of global memory, knowledge and history. However, (digital) technology does not carry the ideological status of its own, but it appears both as the tool and the environment for reproduction of the capitalism and colonial matrix of power. Analyzing the role of technology in the contemporary system of power I argue that today technology has become the most powerful tool for the governance of population through the control of the body, the mind and every aspect of life, especially those directly related to subjectivity, i.e. the most powerful tool of biopolitics. In this light we need to once again reinvestigate and try to reinterpret the relation between (what we call) the reality and the cyber space. This relation I analyze through the phenomenon of performative repetitive mechanism — process that simultaneously produces and eschews content leaving us with an empty form. I argue that performative repetitive mechanism can be applied to cyberspace and its function in/towards reality where cyberspace and reality relate to each other as form and content, where content is abnormal and form is normal. Cyberspace becomes the form for normalization of abnormality, the tank for emptying the reality i.e. "the place" of executing the nullifying of the ideology.

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