
Prema teoriji Racionalno emotivno bihejvioralne terapije (REBT), iracionalna uverenja predstavljaju uzročne mehanizme uključene u nastanak psiholoških poremećaja i problema (David, Freeman, & DiGiuseppe, 2009). U praksi postoji razvijen sistem konsultativnog rada sa nastavnicima, zasnovan na identifikaciji i osporavanju specifičnih iracionalnih uverenja (Bora, Bernard, Trip, Decsei-Radu, & Chereji, 2009; Terjesen & Kurasaki, 2009). Dosadašnja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti su se ticala psihometrijske operacionalizacije iracionalnih uverenja nastavnika, kao i vezom između tih uverenja i nastavničkog stresa (Bora et al., 2009). Mi pretpostavljamo da osim uverenja postoje i specifični organizacijski izvori stresa u školama koji utiču na nivo nastavničkog stresa. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje veze između izvora stresa na radu (u školama), specifičnih iracionalnih uverenja i nivoa psihološkog distresa kod nastavnog osoblja. Uzorak u istraživanju činilo je 186 nastavnika i učitelja oba pola, iz osnovnih i srednjih škola sa teritorije Zrenjanina i Sombora (Vojvodina). Prosečna starost ispitanika je 40 godina. Instrumenti korišćeni za prikupljanje podataka su: Skala nastavničkih iracionalnih uverenja (The Teacher Irrational Belief Scale – TIBS), Izvori radnog stresa (IRS) i Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale – DASS-21). Za obradu podataka korišćeno je strukturalno modelovanje. Rezultati ukazuju da i stresori na radu i iracionalna uverenja imaju direktnog uticaja na distres. Uverenja, dakle, predstavljaju parcijalne medijatore u ovoj vezi. To je očekivan rezultat koji je objašnjen razlikovanjem 'zdravog' i 'nezdravog' emocionalnog odgovora u REBT teoriji i praksi.


  • The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sources of stress in the workplace – the specific irrational beliefs and levels of psychological distress among teachers.The theory underlying the Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy was used as a conceptual framework for explaining teachers’ stress

  • A great deal of international research has been carried out, the results of which all indicate the negative effects of teacher stress (Krnjajić, 2003; Prakke, van Peet, & van der Wolf, 2007)

  • The main aim of this study is to examine the mediating role of irrational beliefs in the relationship between the sources of stress in schools and some of the stress indicators observed among teachers

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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sources of stress in the workplace – the specific irrational beliefs and levels of psychological distress among teachers.The theory underlying the Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy was used as a conceptual framework for explaining teachers’ stress. Kyriacou and Sutcliffe (1978) defined teacher stress as a negative affective response (such as anger or depression) usually accompanied by potentially harmful physiological changes (such as increased heart rate) These responses are provoked by some aspects of the teacher’s job and mediated by the perception that the demands represent a threat to the teacher’s self-esteem or well-being. In one early meta-analysis study into teacher stress based on the results of 49 research papers, Turk, Meeks, and Turk (1982) identified seven domains of stressors: an inadequate school environment, student misbehaviour, poor working conditions, personal problems, time pressure, relationships with students’ parents and inadequate teacher training. Irrational beliefs are the core of psychological problems, because they are rigid, extreme, inconsistent with reality, illogical and detrimental to the primenjena psihologija, str. 5-23

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