
This paper discusses the role that the ERP system has in the radical and continuous change of business processes. The radical change in business processes entails a radical modification, more precisely the termination of the existing method of doing business. Such a dramatic change is needed when the performance of the organization has decreased dramatically, and in order to gain a competitive advantage. However, due to frequent changes in the market and pressures to lower prices, better the quality, provide faster delivery, and the like, the once achieved competitiveness can be sustained long term only through continuous adjustments and improvements of business processes. What follows is the importance to constantly monitor and analyze the business processes in order to properly address the changes. Since there are a multitude of business processes within an organization that are connected to each other, and which intersect the functional and organizational boundaries, their monitoring is enabled only through the integrated information system such as ERP. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to examine what is the role of the mentioned system during the implementation of the changes in the business process. The paper concludes that the ERP system acts as an initiator of a radical redesign of business processes, but also as a facilitator of both a radical redesign and a continuous improvement of business processes. Given that any business change demands an adaptation of the information system, what follows is that it is necessary to change the business processes simultaneously with the introduction/modification of the ERP systems.


  • What follows is the importance to constantly monitor and analyze the business processes in order to properly address the changes

  • Since there are a multitude of business processes within an organization that are connected to each other, and which intersect the functional and organizational boundaries, their monitoring is enabled only through the integrated information system such as Enterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP)

  • The purpose of this paper is to examine what is the role of the mentioned system during the implementation of the changes in the business process

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Promjena poslovnih procesa

A osobito povećanje njezine učinkovitosti radi postizanja konkurentskih prednosti, moguće je samo pod pretpostavkom izvrsnog poznavanja njezina unutrašnjeg ustroja i načina djelovanja. Poslovni proces može se definirati kao "niz logički povezanih aktivnosti koje koriste resurse poduzeća, a čiji je glavni cilj zadovoljenje potreba kupca za proizvodima ili uslugama odgovarajuće kvalitete u adekvatnom vremenskom roku, uz istodobno ostvarivanje neke vrijednosti" D.).Ovdje je važno napomenuti kako je zapravo svaka promjena poslovanja povezana upravo s promjenom poslovnih procesa, zbog čega njihovo kontinuirano praćenje dobiva još više na važnosti. 16) navode kako projekti poslovanja općenito podrazumijevaju promjene postojećih poslovnih procesa i/ili uvođenje novih, uz provedbu odgovarajućih organizacijskih i kulturoloških promjena u poduzeću te prilagodbu informacijske tehnologije novim potrebama poslovanja. Ova razlika dobro je predočena dvjema najpoznatijim vrstama organizacijskih promjena koje u svom sadržaju obuhvaćaju upravo promjenu poslovnih procesa. To su Upravljanje potpunom kvalitetom ili Total Quality Management (TQM) i redizajn poslovnih procesa ili Business Proces Reengineering (BPR). Naravno, objasnit će se pojam i funkcionalnost ERP sustava

ERP sustav
Studija slučaja
Studija slučaja: neprofitna organizacija
ERP sustav kao facilitator radikalnog redizajna poslovnih procesa
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