
Lipschutz 1 has employed the name vulvae to designate those cases of acute ulceration of the vulva occasioned by the organism which he has named Bacillus crassus , an organism apparently identical with Doderlein's bacillus. In that certain other disorders may be responsible for acute ulceration of the vulva, most notably that type produced by Plaut-Vincent's organism, the disease under consideration will be designated as ulcus vulvae acutum (Lipschutz). To Lipschutz and Scherber are due most of the credit for our knowledge of this comparatively newly described genital affection. It is an entity and is recognized as such in Austria and some of its neighboring countries, but apparently no instance of this disorder has as yet been observed in America. Last year a group of five cases was reported by McDonagh 2 of London, the remaining fifty-one reported cases being in the German literature. The latter have been collected

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