
Uremic stomatitis represents a relatively uncommon intraoral complication seen, mostly, in cases of end-stage renal disease or undiagnosed/untreated chronic renal failure. Its incidence has decreased due to the advent of renal dialysis. Clinically uremic stomatitis is characterized by the presence of painful plaques and crusts that are usually distributed on the buccal mucosa, dorsal or ventral surface of the tongue, gingiva, lips, and floor of the mouth. Treatment consists of improvement of urea blood concentration and the underlying renal failure, supported by increased oral hygiene with antiseptic mouthwashes and antimicrobial/antifungal agents if necessary. Although uremic stomatitis occurs in patients with end-stage renal disease, we report a case of a patient who exhibited an ulcerative form of uremic stomatitis related to the sudden relapse of uremia, although not in an advanced stage of her renal disease. A description of the clinical and microscopic appearance is given along with our hypothesis for the pathogenesis of the disease.

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