
The subject of consideration in this paper is the feminist movement Femen, which emerged in Ukraine in the early 21st century. The movement came into being under post-Soviet conditions, where the protection of women’s rights was marginal in the activities of women’s organizations operating at the time. This common, spontaneous movement was mainly initiated by young women, who struggle against violence using their own bodies in happenings and performance events. Half-naked women resort to the tactics of sextremism, protesting against violence directed at women, sex tourism, male domination and objectification of women. Their naked bodies are frequently displayed during demonstrations, with the intention of addressing issues that are frequently ignored by the authorities when traditional forms of protest are used. There are few places in the world where such protests have not taken place so far. The activities have stirred considerable controversy and provoked a public debate on the discrimination of women. Oppressed by the Ukrainian authorities, Femen activists moved to France in 2013.


  • Odpowiedzi1 na t1 obywatelsk1 biernoœæ by3o pojawienie siê na Ukrainie nowych form kobiecego ruchu i aktywizmu takich jak choæby Femen

  • Nagie cia3o u¿ywane jest podczas demonstracji, z zamiarem sygnalizowania spraw, które czêsto przez w3adze s1 ignorowane w czasie tradycyjnych form protestu

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Przedmiotem niniejszych rozwa¿añ jest ruch kobiecy Femen, który powsta3 na Ukrainie na pocz1tku XXI wieku. Brak pozytywnego postrzegania feminizmu prowadzi do tego, ¿e ich sukces nie jest doceniany przez otoczenie, bowiem kobieta powinna spe3niaæ siê tylko w roli ¿ony i matki (Œniadanko, 2009). Feministyczny ruch kobiecy na Ukrainie nie zdo3a3 przebiæ siê do masowego odbiorcy, pozosta3 ruchem kuluarowym, lokalnym.

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