
The article substantiates, defines, and discloses the current Ukrainian studies of the teacher’s pedagogical culture in the context of modern political, social, and cultural issues of national education system formation in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the fact that the current mission of the New Ukrainian School education is to strengthen and develop the national idea, which is the lifeblood of state growth and the way to victory. Thus, it is necessary to form a pedagogical culture based on Ukrainian studies, which should be everywhere in educational, cultural, artistic, scientific, and information environments. It has been proven that the cult of culture, primarily national, must be perceived as a methodology of modern education. It should serve not only historical truth, intellectualization, and humanization of the personality but also be a safeguard, caution, and protection against expansion in the future, strengthening the Spirit of the People, which is our indomitable strength. It has been found that, when forming the personality of a teacher, lecturer, and their pedagogical culture, it is necessary to pay attention to two key aspects – professional and cultural, because the institution of higher education should provide not only “knowledge” competencies, but also create a cultural teacher. Pedagogical culture is formed two-dimensionally – concordantly and logically, sensually and rationally, humanely and realistically, with heart and mind. It is a kind of synthesis of soul and reason (intellect). It has been established that Ukrainian studies should be considered an essential component in the education content, which makes it sound, intellectual, humane, and national, strengthening the social processes of state-nation creation. Since educational Ukrainian-centrism will make it impossible for the rudiments of “cultural and educational imperialism” of Moscovites to manifest, which has always tried to destroy the national-historical life of Ukrainians, planting the ideology of little russia and statelessness. They can realize the highest civic task of education, which is to cultivate respect for one’s own “I,” one’s Kindred, People, Ukraine, to serve as a spiritual, socio-political factor of consolidation and development of the Nation.

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