
Purpose of the study. Analysis of the problems of functioning and streamlining of Ukrainian medical terms at the present stage, finding out the causes and design of alternative ways to solve them. Research methods. The comparative-historical, descriptive methods are applied, the classification and statistical methods are partially used. Scientific novelty of the work. The linguistic analysis of the system organization and creation of the Ukrainian medical terminology is carried out; the conceptual structure of the considered terminological system and the peculiarities of its representation in the Ukrainian literary language through a lexical-semantic prism are defined; The tendency to use certain methods and means of creating medical terms has been elucidated, taking into account terminological specifics. Conclusions. The value of the scientific work is that the identified features of the corresponding term system complement knowledge of the lexical nature in general, as well as the term as a unit of a linguistic sign in terms of content and terms of expression. The complex specificity of medical terminology is determined by the structure and composition of lexico-semantic paradigms, the presence of the phenomenon of paronymy, polysemy, absolute synonyms, and the like. An important problem is the uneven correlation of international and national in the process of creation and functioning of terms and terminological words. The choice of conformity should be determined by the basic requirements for the term (accuracy, national and international national conformity, motivation, systematic, conciseness, sonority). We are convinced that the materials of the proposed research will contribute to the harmonization of the codification process of modern Ukrainian medical terminology both at the interbranch and intrabranch levels.

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