
The article analyzes the degree of influence of the Ukrainian caucuses in the House of Representatives and in the Senate of Congress on the adoption of foreign policy decisions in the United States regarding Ukraine from 1997 to 2021. To fully understand the significance of the caucuses in the legislative process, their typology, adopted by the Congressional Research Service, is described in detail, as well as their composition, goals and main activities are analyzed. The work is based on the analysis of legislative documents of the US Congress, with the help of which the activities of Ukrainian caucuses are disclosed, and on the systematization of the annual financial reports of the US Department of Justice, according to which the main directions of lobbying of Ukraine can be identified. A comparative analysis of the activities of the US Ukrainian caucuses and Ukrainian lobbyists helps to determine their common interests and points of divergence. The relevance of scientific research is determined by the international situation that has developed after the "revolution of dignity", as well as threats and tensions that periodically arise due to the unstable situation in Ukraine. In conclusion, it is noted that the Ukrainian caucuses in Congress, especially the Ukrainian Senate Caucus, are a political tool of the United States to protect its national interests in the Eastern European region, expressed in the promotion of democracy, and are used mainly to solve military aspects.

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