
This paper offers an overview of dictionaries of Ukrainian complied by lexicographers of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since the Institute’s foundation; it is devoted to the Institute’s thirtieth anniversary. The article addresses a question as to whether modern Ukrainian academic lexicography is ready to meet the public life needs in independent Ukraine testifying to the devotion to tradition. The Slovnyk Ukraїnsʹkoї Movy (Ukrainian Dictionary, 1970—1980) in 11 volumes served as the basis for both the Slovnyk Ukraїns’koї Movy (Ukrainian Dictionary, 2012) and Slovnyk Ukraїnsʹkoї Movy v 11 Tomakh: Dodatkovyi Tom (Ukrainian Dictionary in 11 Volumes: Additional Volume, 2017) in 2 books, which reflects continuation of tradition of the academic explanatory lexicography. In 1999—2000, the academic edition of the Slovnyk Synonimiv Ukraїnsʹkoї Movy (Ukrainian Dictionary of Synonyms) in 2 volumes was published. It became a valuable reference publication in the national monolingual lexicography. In phraseography, the latest achievements are represented notably by the Frazeolohichnyi Slovnyk Ukraїns’koї Movy in 2 volumes (Ukrainian Phraseological Dictionary, 1993) and the Slovnyk Frazeolohizmiv Ukraїnsʹkoї Movy (Ukrainian Dictionary of Phraseologisms, 2003). The neographic direction is represented by dictionary materials Novi i Aktualizovani Slova ta Znachennia (New and Updated Words and Meanings, 2002-2010), whereas the Rosiisʹko-Ukraїnsʹkyi Slovnyk (Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary, 2011—2014) in 4 volumes covers the field of the translated academic lexicography. The two dictionaries are of great importance to the Ukrainian academic lexicography in general, namely the combined dictionary of the Ukraїnsʹkyi Leksykon Kintsia XVIII — Pochatku XXI Stolittia (Ukrainian Lexicon of the Late 18th — Early 21st Century: Dictionary-Index, 2017) in 3 volumes and Slovnyk Movy Tvorchoї Osobystosti XX — pochatku ХХІ Stolittia (Dictionary of the Language of Creative Personality in 20th — early 21st Century). The latter contains references significant for reflecting the lexical and phraseological structure of Standard Ukrainian. Finally, reestablished in 2003 the annual Lek sy ko hrafichnyi Biuletenʹ (Lexicographic Bulletin) covers issues related to the history of lexicography, making of dictionaries of different types, and the Ukrainian vocabulary, lexicology, and phraseology. Keywords: explanatory lexicography, source basis of lexicography, synonym dictionary, phraseological dictionary, combined dictionary, author’s lexicography, neography, linguopersonology.

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