
The translator would like to thank Robert Chandler for sharing the original version of this essay, and for his beneficial comments on an early draft of the translation. The Yiddish version ‘Ukraina on yidn’ appeared in Einikayt on 25 November 1943 and 2 December 1943; for the Russian back-translation from the Yiddish, see ‘Ukraina bez evreev,’ trans. Rokhl Baumvol', in Vasilii Grossman, Na evreiski temi, ed. Shimon Markish (Jerusalem: Biblioteka Aliya, 1985) vol. 2:333–340. The complete Russian version of ‘Ukraina bez evreev’ on which the present translation is based may be found in VEK: Vestnik Evreiskoi Kultuiy, no. 4 (Riga, 1990): 1–8 Published with the kind permission of the Grossman Estate, courtesy of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd

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