
The present text represents a trend in the research in phraseology and onomastics. The article focuses on the still used and forgotten lexical combinations (phraseologisms, proverbs) which contain a proprial component associated with Ukraine. One analyses combinations with geographical names, i.e. choronyms, e.g.: Ukraina — niedaleka Ukraina ‘Ukraine — not remote Ukraine’, Pobereże — jak na Pobereżu ‘Pobereże — as in Pobereże’, Podole — Na Podolu pszenica bez kąkolu ‘Podolia — in Podolia [there is] wheat without corn cockle, and oikonyms, e.g.: Berdyczow — pisz na Berdyczow ‘Berdychiv — [literally] address your letter to Berdichiv’, bogaty jak berdyczowski bankier ‘as rich as a Berdychiv banker; Poryck — mądry jak porycka szafa ‘Poryck — [literally] as clever as a Poryck wardrobe’; Kołomyja — Anglik z Kołomyi ‘Kolomyia — an Englishman from Kolomyia’. The lexical structures in question constitute an interesting testimony of life in remote historical periods and the former realia encoded in them represent the long-standing Polish-Ukrainian linguistic contact. Keywords: the historical and the modern Polish language, phraseology, paremiology, onomastics, Polish-Ukrainian linguistic contact.

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