
Lettuce plants is one of the vegetables that have commercial value and goodprospects for development, because demand for lettuce plants continues to increasein line with population growth and awareness of nutritional needs and thedevelopment of such culinary business. Red lettuce new red fire red to black curlyleaves, the red if given full sun. This type of lettuce is not widely grown in Riau,when environmental conditions allow, the problem is the type of Ultisol, then toovercome it is to the development of good farming such as the provision of plantgrowth regulator (PGR) Hantu. Hantu PGR containing gibberellic acid, IndolAcetic Acid, Kinetin and Zeatin. The research objective was to determine the effectand get the best Hantu PGR concentration on the growth and production of redlettuce. Research conducted experiments with completely randomized design with 5 level of treatment that is without giving PGR Hantu (H0), the provision of 1 ml / l of water (H1), administration of 2 ml / l of water (H2), giving 3 ml / l water (H3) and the provision of 4 ml / l of water (H4) to four (4) replicates. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance followed by a further test DMRT level of 5%. The results showed that the Hantu PGR can promote the growth and production of red lettuce plants, with the best concentration was 2 ml / l of water.


  • Lettuce plants is one of the vegetables that have commercial value and good prospects for development, because demand for lettuce plants continues to increase in line with population growth and awareness of nutritional needs and the development of such culinary business

  • Red lettuce new red fire red to black curly leaves, the red if given full sun. This type of lettuce is not widely grown in Riau, when environmental conditions allow, the problem is the type of Ultisol, to overcome it is to the development of good farming such as the provision of plant growth regulator (PGR) Hantu

  • 5 level of treatment that is without giving PGR Hantu (H0), the provision of 1 ml / l of water (H1), administration of 2 ml / l of water (H2), giving 3 ml / l water (H3) and the provision of 4 ml / l of water (H4) to four (4) replicates

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Tanaman selada ini merupakan salah satu sayuran yang mempunyai nilai komersial dan prospek yang cukup baik untuk dikembangkan, karena kandungan gizinya, dimana 100 gram bahan terdapat 1,2 g protein, 0,2 g lemak, 2,9 g karbohidrat, 22 mg Ca, 25 mg P, 0,5 mg Fe, 162 mg Vitamin A, 0.04 mg vitamin B dan 8,0 mg vitamin C (Direktorat Gizi Kesehatan RI, 1991) dan mempunyai sifat mendinginkan badan karena berfungsi sebagai obat penyakit panas dalam. Masalahnya tanah di Provinsi Riau umumnya didominasi oleh tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning (PMK) yang diketahui produktivitasnya rendah, sedangkan tanaman selada tumbuh baik pada tanah yang subur dan banyak mengandung humus. Jenis tanah Ultisol yang produktivitasnya rendah dapat diatasi dengan pengembangan budidaya yang baik seperti pengolahan tanah, pemupukan dan pemberian Zat Pengatur Tumbuh (ZPT). Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Hantu adalah ZPT yang banyak beredar di pasaran saat ini yang terbuat dari sari tumbuhan alami yang kandungan utamanya Asam Giberelat 0,210 g/l, Asam Indol Asetat 0,130 g/l, Kinetin 0,105 g/l dan Zeatin 0,100 g/l. Manfaat ZPT Hantu adalah mempercepat pertumbuhan batang dan daun sehingga daun menjadi lebat dan lebar, sehingga dengan pemberian ZPT Hantu diperkirakan dapat memacu pertumbuhan tanaman selada, tetapi konsentrasi yang tepat untuk saat ini belum ada rekomendasinya khususnya untuk daerah Riau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan mendapatkan konsentrasi ZPT Hantu yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi selada merah

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