
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a major worldwide public health problem. Biolarvicide is a strategy to suppress the incidence of DHF. Bitter melon fruit contains biochemical constituents such as alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid, steroid, and momordicine which have larvicidal effect. This study was aimed to know the effectivity of bitter melon fruit extract as a larvicide of Aedesaegypti larva. The design of this study was experimental. The sample of this study was bitter melon fruit extract. There were 4 concentrationsof bitter melon extract used i.e., 0,8%, 1,6%, 3,2%, 6,4%, and negative control. This study used bioassay method with 20 instar III and IV larvas of Aedesaegypti put into container and were incubated for 24 hours. According to result of Kruskall-Wallis test (p = 0,005) there was a signifcant difference effectof bitter melon extractonthe mortality of Aedesaegypti larva. The result of Mann-Whitney test showed that there was asignifcant difference in the effectivity among the concentrationsof bitter melon extract being compared and control solution. The result of probit analysis showed that LC50 and LC90 values were 1,207% and 2,759%, respectively. According to this study, bitter melon fruit extract has larvicide effectonthe mortality of Aedesaegypti.


  • Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan masalah publik kesehatan di dunia

  • a strategy to suppress the incidence of Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)

  • This study was aimed to know the effectivity of bitter melon fruit extract as a larvicide

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Sampel penelitian ini adalah ekstrak buah pare yang berasal dari Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik (BALITTRO) Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat. Proses Ekstraksi Buah pare kering yang telah menjadi serbuk dengan grinder dilarutkan dengan pelarut etanol 70% dan diaduk dengan stirer selama + 3 jam kemudian diendapkan selama 24 jam. Ampas ditambah pelarut kembali dan diaduk dengan stirer selama + 1 jam kemudian disaring dengan kertas saring menghasilkan filtrat II. 2) Setelah 1-3 hari terbentuk larva maka larva tersebut dipindahkan ke nampan lain yang sudah terisi air. Pupa dipindahkan dengan pipet tetes ke gelas plastik ukuran 250 mL yang berisi air sampai 3⁄4 bagian. 4) Gelas plastik yang telah berisi pupa dimasukkan kedalam kandang nyamuk. 6) Selain air gula, didalam kandang nyamuk juga disediakan tempat peletakan telur berupa gelas plastik bervolume 250 mLyang diisi air 3⁄4 bagian dengan kertas saring yang ditempatkan mengelilingi permukaan air. Setelah telur yang melekat pada kertas saring jumlahnya cukup banyak maka kertas saring diambil bersama-sama dengan telur yang melekat di atasnya

Prosedur Penelitian
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