
Pod Borer ( Etiella zinckenella ) is a major pest in soybean cultivation. The chemical pesticides used in agriculture are causing various detrimental effects on our health as well as on environment. Botanical pesticides such as betel nut ( Areca catechu L.) is an alternative pest control to reduce the use of synthetic chemical pesticides. This research was conducted in the plant pest laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University. This study was conducted in order to found a concentration of betel nut seed extract ( Areca catechu L.) which is effective to control E. zinckenella in soybean crops. The experiment using a completely randomized design with six treatments. Betel nut seed extract concentration are 0 g L -1 of water, 20 g L -1 of water, 40 g L -1 of water, 60 g L -1 of water, 80 g L -1 of water, and 100 g L -1 of water and each treatment was repeated four times. The result showed 40 g L -1 of water of betel nut seed extract is effective concentration and able to kill 80% E. zinckenella larvae.


  • The chemical pesticides used in agriculture are causing various detrimental effects

  • an alternative pest control to reduce the use of synthetic chemical pesticides

  • This research was conducted in the plant pest laboratory

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Pelaksanaan penelitian diawali dengan pengadaan larva

E. zinckenella yang diperoleh dari areal pertanaman kedelai dan dipelihara secara individu di dalam wadah plastik yang kemudian ditutup dengan kain kassa. Larva E. zinckenella diberi makanan polong kedelai. Larva dibiakkan hingga diperoleh sebanyak 240 ekor larva E. zinckenella instar 4, setelah itu dilakukan pembuatan ekstrak biji pinang yang akan diaplikasikan. Larva E. zinckenella instar 4 diinfestasikan terlebih dahulu ke dalam wadah plastik secara individu. Paremeter pengamatan terdiri dari waktu awal kematian, lethal time 50, mortalitas harian, mortalitas total, suhu dan kelembaban. Data mortalitas harian yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Mortalitas total, dan lethal time 50 dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan Sidik. Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5%

HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Perubahan Tingkah Laku dan Morfologi
Waktu Awal Kematian
Hasil uji lanjut DNMRT pada taraf
Jenis Tumbuhan sebagai
Kecubung sebagai Larvasida dan Insektisida terhadap
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