
Aphis gossypii Glover is the main pest that attacks chili plants. Control efforts that are often carried out are by using synthetic insecticides. Safe pest control is the use of vegetable insecticides. Srikaya is a plant that can be used as a botanical insecticide. The purpose of this study was to obtain an effective concentration of srikaya leaf powder extract against A. gossypii pest mortality. This research was conducted at the Plant Pest Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University from March to July 2019. The study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments given were extracts of srikaya leaf flour with the following concentrations: Srikaya flour with a concentration of 0 g.l-1 water, 20 g.l-1 water, 40 g.l-1 water, 60 g.l-1 water, 80 g.l-1 water, 100 g.l-1 water. The parameters observed were the initial time of death of Aphis gossypii, Lethal time 50 (LT50), daily mortality, total mortality, Lethal concentration (LC50), temperature and humidity. The results of this study indicate that the application of the extract of srikaya leaf flour (Annona squamosa L.) on concentration of 40 gl-1 srikaya leaf meal was an effective concentration to control A. gossypii which can cause total mortality of 82.5% with LC 50% is 1.37% or equivalent to 13.7 gl-1, and the right concentration to kill. 95% of pests is 6.37% or equivalent to 63.7 gl-1.


  • Aphis gossypii Glover is the main pest that attacks chili pepper

  • The results of this study indicated that the application of the extract of srikaya leaf flour (Annona squamosa L.) on concentration of 40 gl-1 srikaya leaf flour estract was the most effective concentration to control A. gossypii which caused total mortality of 82.5% with Lethal concentration 50 (LC50) of 1.37% or equivalent to 13.7 gl-1, and the right concentration to kill. 95% of pests is 6.37% or equivalent to 63.7 gl-1

  • F. terhadap Crocidolomia pavonana (F) dan Plutella xylostella (L) serta Keamanan Ekstrak tersebut terhadap Diadegma semiclausum (Hellen)

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Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimen dengan menggunakan

Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 24 unit percobaan. Penelitian dimulai dengan menanam tanaman perbanyakan dan perlakuan. A. gossypii yang telah diambil kemudian dipindahkan ke tanaman perbanyakan sebanyak 10 ekor per tanaman. Imago turunan F1 kemudian yang merupakan generasi 0 akan dipindahkan ke tanaman perlakuan. Tanaman perlakuan diberi sungkup untuk menjaga A. gossypii yang diinfestasikan terlindungi dari musuh alami dan mencegah keluarnya hama. Daun dipotong dengan ukuran 1 cm kemudian diblender hingga menjadi tepung dan disaring. Imago yang telah diinfestasikan akan meletakkan nimfa pada tanaman perlakuan. Nimfa A. gossypii yang digunakan adalah instar VI yang telah berumur 6 hari sebanyak 10 nimfa(generasi 2)/tanaman dengan ciri kepala bewarna kehitaman serta abdomen berwarna hijau kekuningan. Penyemprotan dilakukan dengan membasahi seluruh bagian tanaman secara merata dari pucuk cabai, bawah daun dan seluruh bagian tanaman. Parameter pengamatan yang diamati yaitu perubahan awal kematian Aphis gossypii, Lethal time 50 (LT50), persentase mortalitas harian, Lethal concentration (LC50), persentase mortaltas total

Pengamatan hari ketiga setelah aplikasi terjadi penurunan mortalitas harian
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