
High content of sitrulin can contribute to oxidative stress as a free radical scavenger. Plants from the Cucurbitaceae family are found in high quantities of Citrulline. One of Cucurbitaceae family is cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity which is optimal in the flesh and rind cantaloupe against extraction methods. The method was used maceration with the ethanol and water, methods of digestion and decocta only with water solvent. The high antioxidant activity was shown by ethanol extract cantaloupe was rind maceration method (583.19 mg/L). In the water extract, rind maceration method of cantaloupe provides antioxidant activity (722.17 mg/L) were significantly different (P<0,05) than the water solvent digestion method and decocta method. However, the antioxidant activity of the flesh and rind extract from cantaloupe is lower than vitamin C.


  • High content of sitrulin can contribute to oxidative stress as a free radical scavenger

  • Plants from the Cucurbitaceae family are found in high quantities of Citrulline

  • determine the antioxidant activity which is optimal in the flesh and rind cantaloupe against extraction methods

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ABSTRAK Kandungan sitrulin yang tinggi dapat berkontribusi terhadap oksidatif stress sebagai penangkap radikal bebas (radical scavenger). Tanaman dari keluarga Cucurbitaceae ditemukan sitrulin dalam jumlah yang tinggi.Salah satunya tanaman keluarga Cucurbitaceae adalah blewah (Cucumis melo L.)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh aktivitas antioksidan yang paling optimal pada daging dan kulit buah blewah dengan beberapa metode ekstraksi.Metode yang digunakan ialah metode maserasi dengan pelarut etanol dan air, metode digesti dan dekokta hanya dengan pelarut air. Aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh metode maserasi ekstrak etanol kulit blewah (583,19 mg/L). Metode maserasi kulit blewah memberikan aktivitas antioksidan (722,17 mg/L) yang berbeda nyata (P

Ekstrak Pigmen Karotenoid dan Sitrulin pada
Maserasi Maserasi Digesti Dekokta Maserasi Maserasi Digesti Dekokta
Air Maserasi
Metode Ekstraksi
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