
Wklad PIG w rozwoj gospodarki narodowej wyraza sie odkryciami kopalin uzytecznych, ktore są podstawą roznych galezi przemyslu, oraz wieloma osiągnieciami w zakresie badan hydrogeologicznych i geologiczno-inzynierskich. Do najwazniejszych osiągniec nalezą odkrycia unikatowych w skali światowej zloz: rud miedzi kolo Lubina, siarki rodzimej kolo Tarnobrzega, lubelskiego Zaglebia Weglowego, a takze wielu zloz: wegla brunatnego, soli kamiennej, polihalitow, cynku i olowiu, tytanomagnetytow z wanadem, kaolinu, barytu i duzej ilości zloz kopalin skalnych. Baza surowcowa Polski opiera sie na kopalinach uzytecznych umiejscowionych w ponad 4200 zlozach o lącznych zasobach powyzej 205 mld t. Na podstawie wartości wydobywanych surowcow mineralnych omowiono pozycje Polski wśrod krajow dysponujących wlasnymi surowcami mineralnymi. SHARE OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IN DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMICS During its 70 years of existence the State Geological institute has carried through the studies of a geological structure of the country to create the basis for exploration, exploitation and conservation of deposits and underground waters, and also for investigations of engineering-geological conditions. A harmonic development of the natural-cognitive assemblage of the Earth sciences connected with app lied and economic geology what is due to statutory foundations, ensures in suitable means for investigations and is a main factor that enables to receive good results of geological exploration works. A share of the institute in development of national economics is expressed by discoveries of deposits of mineral resources that form the basis for development of numerous industrial branches. Results of hydrogeological regional studies and investigations of restoration of underground water resources form also a very important achievement. These works gain a particular significance against common ecological impendency of waters. During reconstructing works and development of the country after the war, engineering-geological studies for large industrial objects as steelworks, electric power stations and hydrotechnical constructions have been of great importance. The most important achievements include unique in the world discoveries of copper ore deposits in the Lubin area, of native sulphur near Tarnobrzeg, of the Lublin Coal Basin and also of numerous deposits of brown coal, mine salt, polyhalites, zinc of numerous deposits of brown coal, mine salt, polyhalites, zinc and lead, titanomagnetites with vanadium, kaolin, barite and abundant deposits of rock materials. A resources basis of Poland is based on mineral raw materials located in over 4200 deposits, total resources of which exceed 205 mld tons. The analysis of values of exploited mineral products being subjected to international exchange proves that a total production value of the country constitutes 1% of the total world production and there-fore, Poland occupies the 22nd place in the world and 5th place in Europe. Abundance of the country in mineral products is larger than results from evaluation of the outpit as many resources (e.g. potash salts, some metal or chemical deposits) are not exploited. In spite of undoubted rich raw resources of Poland there are no sufficient deposits of natural oil and gas. These two products are the most valuable in the world production. If energetic resources are not taken into account (therefore also of the Polish hard and brown coals), then the value of the production of mineral resources puts our country at the 11th place in the world and the first one in Europe. A role played by the State Geological Institute in a discovery of these resources is undoubtful.

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