
The article aims to empirically indicate the share and industry characteristics of the largest state-owned enterprises in five selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, based on the analysis, an attempt is made to answer relevant research questions: Whether and to what extent after almost 30 years of transition have the economies of the analysed countries become similar to the economies of selected developed countries of Western Europe with regard to the scope of state ownership in the economy? If so, to what extend? Could the economies of the analysed countries be seen as an occurrence of growing importance of state-owned enterprises after the financial crisis of 2008–2009, referred to in the literature as the “return of state-owned enterprises”? The analysis of the scope of state ownership in the economy was made using the processed and completed source data contained in the Orbis database. The study consists of three parts. The first part presents methodological assumptions of the analysis, definitions, description of data sources and basic characteristics of the studied set of enterprises. The second part contains data on state-owned enterprises in the analysed countries, divided into the state-owned and statecontrolled with a minority shareholding also includes industry-specific analysis. The third part contains synthetic international comparisons and a retrospective analysis, including the status and characteristics of state-owned enterprises in the surveyed countries in 2009, 2013 and 2017. The conclusions contained in the summary indicate a significant diversification of the scope and importance of state enterprises in the economies of the analysed countries.

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