
[A talented pupil – a chance or a threat?] Human talents constitute wealth for each community, therefore talented individuals should be taken care of from the earliest age in order to maintain their cognitive activity, awaken their interests, develop a creative attitude and use their predispositions. Intelligence is a potential talent, in order to fully make use of it we have to develop the ability of creative thinking. At the same time we have to remember that gifted pupils are difficult pupils. Frequently intolerant towards other, they are inquisitive, determined to show that they are right and to question teachers’ opinions. They are individuals who do not take heed of consequences of their behaviour and their different hierarchy of values leads to their alienation from a group. A proper development of a gifted pupil’s psyche can be enhanced by bibliotherapy conducted at or outside of school by psychologists, therapists or librarianbibliotherapists. A key to gifted persons’ success lies in their exceptional passion, focus on chosen fields and the support of their community. Frequently, life achievements depend more on a personality, on a coincidence which makes it possible to show one’s talent and a proper motivation than on the intelligence quotient.

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