
This paper presents an overview of development programs in IAI, for Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) and supporting systems, which commenced at the end of 1973 and has continued and expanded until the present time. The major UAV systems, which have been developed in IAI, are addressed including the Scout, Pioneer, Searcher, Hunter, Heron and HeronTP. Activities in the fields of CR, HALE, VTOL & Mini / Micro UAVs are described, as well as life extension and improvement of existing UAVs and activity of UAVS for civilian applications. The various solutions that were conceived over the years are considered with respect to the operational requirements, technologies and design principles. Some examples are presented of various problems that arose during the development process, the operational experience accumulated and the demands of different solutions. The paper identifies the basic technologies for improving performance and facilitating system solutions to integrate safety with affordability. The principle lessons learnt over the years have changed UAVs into operational systems. The level of maturity that has been achieved in recent years has expanded the possibilities for additional missions in new areas. In the past few years it has become clear that the lifetime of UAVs in increasing, and is approaching the life of manned aircraft. This is due to their maturity which has been achieved and the adaptation of solutions to operational problems. These enhanced UAVs are developing in two prime directions: The integration of payloads for more missions The improvement in capabilities and performance of the systems. UAV development activity has accelerated and IAI's vision of future evolution is presented. The paper mainly covers activities performed in IAI, MALAT & Engineering division, emphasizing aspects of air vehicle development. THE BEGINNING DECOY UAVs The Yom Kippur war, and its high number of aerial causalities, together with the surprise of SA-6 and SA-2 missiles, which limited air operations, provided the initiative for commencing UAV development in IAI. The first IAI UAV was a decoy (UAV-A) designed to be carried and launched from combat aircraft. Its general configuration is shown in Fig. 1.

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