
To describe infant deaths where a u-shaped pillow was under or around an infant and to describe cases classified as Explained Suffocation. We examined demographics and circumstances of 141 infant deaths during 2004-2015 in the US National Fatality Review Case Reporting System with u-shaped pillows in the sleep environment. Most infants were < 6months old (92%), male (58%), non-Hispanic White (53%), and of the nine explained suffocation deaths, four occurred when the u-shaped pillow obstructed the infant's airway; five occurred when the infant rolled off the pillow and their airway was obstructed by another object. Although infrequent, infant deaths with u-shaped pillows have occurred. Health care providers may include discussion of the importance of caregivers following infant product packaging precautions and warning labels for commonly used consumer products, such as u-shaped pillows in their advice to caregivers.

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