
The NE–SW trending Tiddas Souk Es-Sebt des Ait Ikko (TSESDAI) basin, located at 110 km southeast of Rabat, in the region of Khmesset between the village of Tiddas and Souk Es-Sebt des Ait Ikko, is the third largest late Palaeozoic continental trough in the northern Central Moroccan Meseta. It is a ~20 km long and ~2–3 km wide basin, comprising mainly mixed volcano-sedimentary reddish-purple continental Permian rocks laying with an angular unconformity on Visean deep marine siliciclastic sediments and unconformably overlain by the Triassic and Cenozoic formations. In this study we aim to better determine the age of Permian volcanics and their chemical and mineralogical characteristics, as well as assess the provenance of inherited zircons, thus contributing to the understanding of the late stages of the Variscan orogeny in Morocco. The standard volcanic succession includes the following terms: (i) andesites, lapilli tuffs and andesitic ash deposits; (ii) accumulations of rhyolitic lavas; (iii) lapilli tuffs and rhyolitic ash (formation F1); (iv) flows and breccias of dacites; (v) andesite flows; and (vi) basaltic flows. The various volcanic and subvolcanic studied rocks display calc-alkaline-series characteristics with high contents of SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, MgO, and relatively abundant alkalis, and low contents of MnO. In the classification diagram, the studied facies occupy the fields of andesites, trachy-basalts, dacites, trachydacites, and rhyolites and display a sub-alkaline behavior. These lavas would be derived from a parental mafic magma (basalts) produced by partial fusion of the upper mantle. Specific chemical analyses that were carried out on the mineralogical phases (biotite and pyroxene) revealed that the examined biotites can be classified as magnesian and share similarities with the calc-alkaline association-field, while the clinopyroxenes are mainly augites and plot on the calc-alkaline orogenic basalt field. Andesites and dacites of TSESDAI show similarities with the rocks of the calc-alkaline series not linked to active subduction and which involve a continental crust in their genesis. The existence of enclaves in the lavas of the TSESDAI massif; the abnormally high contents of Rb, Ba, Th, and La; and the systematic anomalies in TiO2 and P2O5 indicate also a crustal contamination mechanism. Three magmatic episodes are distinguished with two episodes that correspond to an eruptive cycle of calc-alkaline andesites and rhyolites followed by a basaltic episode. The SHRIMP U–Pb geochronologic data of zircons recovered from the rhyolite dome of Ari El Mahsar in TSESDAI basin show a Concordia age of 286.4 ± 4.7 Ma interpreted to date the magmatic crystallization of this dome. Thus, the rhyolite likely belongs to the third magmatic episodes of TSESDAI.


  • We focus on Tiddas Souk Es-Sebt des Ait Ikko (TSESDAI) Permian volcanism affecting

  • The chemical data collected on clinopyroxenes confirm this calc-alkaline affinity with clinopyroxenes plotting on the calc-alkaline orogenic basalt field in the discrimination diagrams of [63] (Figure 15) and [64] (Figure 16)

  • (6) The petrographic and volcanological characteristics of the TSESDAI volcanic series suggest a similarity with the well-defined first Permian cycle of the Khenifra region, with the exception of the dolerite dikes and the basaltic flows of El Gitoune that belong to the second Permian cycle, despite their similar NE–SW alignment to the first and the second episodes studied here

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Basin and Range type extensional province in Europe, and northwestern Africa involving the unroofing of large metamorphic core complexes and synextensional plutonic bodies, dike and sill swarms, and volcanic successions With this extensional scenario, Europe and northwestern Africa were affected by a complex system of conjugate strike-slips faults (NE–SW sinistral and NW–SE dextral), which partially disrupted the Variscan edifice, resulting in new Permo-Carboniferous stress patterns with the principal compressional axis oriented N–S [4,5]. This episode was accompanied by sediment deposition and volcanism in transtensional and pull-apart basins [1,6,7]. The duration of activity is currently estimated to span a period of ca. 100 million years, from the Early Carboniferous to the

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