
New U–Pb detrital zircon and U–Pb zircon ages of metaigneous rocks in the Águilas Arc (Betic Chain, SE Spain) allow us to determine the maximum depositional ages of the rocks. Within the Nevado-Filábride Complex, a Late Carboniferous depositional age for the Lomo de Bas schists and quartzites, and a Permian-Triassic maximum depositional age for the Tahal Fm are determined. Within the Alpujárride Complex, the maximum depositional age of the Micaschists and Quartzite Fm is Late Carboniferous and the Meta-detrital Fm was deposited in the Early Permian. Furthermore, the maximum depositional age of the Saladilla Fm in the Maláguide Complex is also Early Permian. The age distribution patterns for the Carboniferous rocks of the Nevado-Filábride and Alpujárride complexes are similar to those from the Cantabrian Zone of the Iberian Massif, suggesting deposition in Carboniferous foreland basins located eastwards of the Iberian Massif. However, age patterns in Maláguide and samples from the North-eastern Iberian Peninsula and South France show strong similarities suggesting that it can be located near those areas in the Late Carboniferous times.The samples with Early Permian maximum depositional ages from the three complexes contain more Paleozoic zircon grains relative to the older Carboniferous samples, but have similar age distribution patterns, suggesting that they were deposited in the same basin. Samples from unconformable Middle Miocene sediments have Early Permian youngest zircon populations and age distribution patterns corresponding to a mixing of detrital zircon grains from the Alpujárride and Maláguide complexes. Furthermore, there is no record of any major felsic rocks formation and/or exhumation event after the Early Permian in those two complexes.

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