
Medes 1 has described a condition in which a male patient was unable to metabolize tyrosine in a normal manner and has given the name of tyrosinosis to this error of metabolism. The patient was not capable of metabolizing tyrosine beyond the stage of p -hydorxyphenylpyruvic acid but retained the ability to oxidize homogentisic acid. The inability to metabolize the latter substance characterizes the condition of alcaptonuria. When I heard of this new error of metabolism, I agreed to make a search for additional cases. The urine of Medes' patient had reducing properties and also gave a positive Millon's reaction. I therefore subjected all urine specimens that showed a slight amount of reduction by Benedict's picrate method for sugar to an additional test for the reduction of phosphomolybdic acid. This was used as suggested by Medes, as follows: To 1 cc. of urine in a test tube is added 2

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