
We have examined the effect of tyrosine phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor kinase on its functions. Incubation of MAP2 with the EGF receptor in the presence of ATP resulted in a great decrease in the ability of MAP2 to promote tubulin polymerization. Under a variety of conditions, the decrease in the ability correlated with the extent of phosphorylation of MAP2. Furthermore, another function of MAP2, the actin filament cross-linking activity, was also inactivated by the incubation of MAP2 with the EGF receptor and ATP. The loss of this activity also correlated well with the extent of phosphorylation. These data indicate that tyrosine phosphorylation of MAP2 by the EGF receptor kinase inactivates both the tubulin polymerizing activity and actin filament cross-linking activity of MAP2. Thus, this study has clearly shown that tyrosine phosphorylation could modify the function of a cytoskeletal protein.

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