
The properties of purified tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) from bovine corpus striatum, both native and phosphorylated forms of the enzyme, were studied. TH had a tendency toward greater affinity for tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) than for the synthetic cofactor 6-methyltetrahydropterin (6-MPH4), although the maximal velocity of the TH-catalyzed reaction was greater with 6-MPH4. Phosphorylation increased the affinity of TH for cofactor at pH 6.0, with little change in Vmax. At pH 7.0, phosphorylation caused increased activation of TH by increasing Vmax as well as reducing the Km for cofactor. The K1 for dopamine was increased twofold by phosphorylation at pH 6.0, but eightfold at pH 7.0. Phosphorylation was not associated with a change in Km for tyrosine at any pH or with any cofactor studied, although the Km for tyrosine of TH was cofactor-dependent and seven to eight times greater with 6-MPH4 than with BH4 as cofactor. Heparin and NaCl activated native TH at pH 6.0, but not at pH 7.0. Phosphorylated TH was unaffected by heparin or salt at pH 6.0, but was relatively inhibited at pH 7.0. The data are presented in the context of the physiological environment of TH.

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