
Ageing car tyres are a hidden hazard and recipe for road accidents. Many vehicle users and their cohorts seem unconcerned and ignorant about tyre profile and its implications on human lives and livelihood. This study reviewed car users’ and vulcanizers’ comprehension of basic arithmetic of vehicle tyre profile to instigate best practices as well as instil proper maintenance culture. Out of 307 participants, purposive and convenient sampling were employed to select 292 vehicle users and a snowball to contact 15 vulcanizers. Results after a short interview analysis revealed that car users are aware of tyre inflation pressure and could identify the rim diameter of car tyres. Meanwhile, a significant number of users couldn’t tell where to locate their vehicle tyre specification details on their cars and were also unable to interpret tyre profiles including; tyre life cycle, tyre blend, tyre speed rating and load index. Although the majority of the vehicle users carried spare tyres, most of them do not check the conditions of their spare tyres until they are in need. Responses from vulcanizers revealed that most vehicle users do not bother about tyre expiry dates but rather prefer tyre fixing to tyre replacements. It is recommended that the Leaders of Transport Unions of commercial vehicles need to ensure proper load weight of vehicles before setting off from their terminals. Drivers and Vehicle License Authority (DVLA) needs to ensure healthy tyre condition before issuing roadworthy certificates. National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) must maximize sensitization campaigns towards proper tyre maintenance practices to reduce tyre failure accidents.

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