
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Russian- language television program “Where are we going?!” as a special type of tourist discourse, one of the forms of which is the genre of television excursion. The main direction of the research was chosen to be linguo-pragmatic, which led to the identification of the main strategies of the communicative behavior of the presenter of the TV program and his interaction with the TV viewers. The linguistic-pragmatic principles of the study of communicative strategies and tacts in modern linguistics are defined, the main problems are outlined and typologies of strategies relevant specifically for the televised tourism discourse are proposed. The specifics of the speech behavior of the presenter of the TV program are considered and the presentation, informational, argumentative and game strategies are characterized. The tactics of identification, solidarity, self-presentation, criticism and intrigue were analyzed within the framework of the presentation strategy. It is proved that the information strategy is directed at presenting actual, verified information of a local history nature to the addressees and is presented by descriptive and characterological tactics. It was determined that the argumentative strategy is based on logical reasoning and evidence and is represented by the tactics of verbalizing logical reasoning, evaluation, and explanation. The game strategy is considered as an actualization of the presenter’s linguistic creative activity and the language means of implementing the language game are outlined.

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