
The article highlights the concept of greenways and features of the formation of their types in the structure of the "green" pedestrian network of cities.
 Based on the fact that the "green" pedestrian network (GPN) is a multifunctional component of the modern architectural environment and urban greening system, which is a locally defined linear open greenways along: green natural corridors (eco-corridors), including green urban spaces (forests, parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, recreational spaces); street and road network, including pedestrian zones (streets, squares, public spaces, embankments); historical trade routes and railways, the issue of forming types of greenways for different types of pedestrian and non-motorized traffic in the city is relevant.
 The problem of comfortable and safe movement by foot and by individual non-motorized vehicles (INTV) in cities has become aggravated. The ability to ride a bike or walk through the city becomes more and more difficult. Many large Ukrainian cities are dominated by wide streets and narrow sidewalks, along which large flows of people move and by underdeveloped pedestrian links. Increasingly, urban residents are dissatisfied with the lack of comfortable continuous walking routes and open spaces.
 The purpose of the publication is to develop typological features of greenways in the structure of the "green" pedestrian network. This will improve the conditions for walking, cycling, and INTV-assisted travel and their wider use in cities.

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