
The study of the features of the territorial distribution, productivity and typological structure of natural pine stands in the Mountain Crimea was conducted. Crimean pine plantations dominate by the area here. The most productive and long-lived stands are C l-Скр under the conditions of dry sudubrava Ci. Taxational characteristics of Crimean pine plantations in different high-altitude zones reflect the peculiarities of high-altitude dynamics of their age composition. The lower belt is dominated by plants of small height and with a small trunk diameter. The stands of the upper belt have the most significant taxation characteristics. According to the level of living state, the stands of Crimean pine of the lower belt are mostly characterized by an unsatisfactory assessment. This is due not only to the negative anthropogenic impact, but also to the more severe action of limiting factors in the regional territory of natural growth of Crimean pine on the southern macroslope of the Main ridge of the Crimean mountains. Natural stands of common pine form forests in the edaphotopes of dry pinewood Bi, dry sudubrava Ci and fresh sudubrava C2. Under the conditions of dry sudubrava Ci there is an increase in the productive capacity of common pine stands. The level of use of the forest typological potential of a pine stand depends on its age. The ratio of age groups characterizes the pine stands as cyclo-multiplc-agcd. The fullness of stands of common pine varies within the range of 0.3-0.9, the average is 0.6. The most common planrings have the fullness of 0.4 and 0.5. The structure of the typological macrocomplex of stands of Stankevich pine is represented in a greater degree by communities of dry sudubrava Ci. Unfavorable abiotic factors have a direct impact on the composition of stands of Stankevich pine, the age structure of which is characterized by a predominance of young and middle-aged trees and a noticeable decrease in the number of ripening and ripe stands and a very small representation of high-aged plantations. The relative increase in the number of trees at the age of 200 240 years is evidence that in the past the conditions for the growth and renewal of stands of Stankevich pine in the Mountain Crimea were more favorable.


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