
AbstractA taxonomic and nomenclatural history ofCodriophorus fascicularis(Hedw.) Bednarek‐Ochyra & Ochyra (≡Trichostomum fasciculareHedw.;Racomitrium fasciculare(Hedw.) Brid.) is presented. In the absence of original material of this species in the Hedwig herbarium at Geneva, figure 28 on table 47 in the DillenianHistoria Muscorumof 1741 is selected as lectotype and a corresponding specimen preserved in his personal herbarium at Oxford is chosen as epitype of this species name. The epitype specimen is described and illustrated, and it represents the typical morphophase of the taxon characterized by the presence of short tuft‐like horizontal lateral branchlets. The nomenclatural status ofBryum lutescensDicks. (≡Trichostomum lutescens(Dicks.) P. Beauv.) andRacomitrium virescensLindb. is briefly discussed, and these names are considered to be legitimate. Both names are lectotypified and their synonymy withCodriophorus fascicularisis, thereby, confirmed.

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