
AbstractThe name Pinus torreyana Parry ex Carrière has a convoluted nomenclatural history and a somewhat problematic typification. In this paper, the history surrounding the naming of P. torreyana Parry ex Carrière is briefly reviewed and the previous lectotypification is corrected to a neotypification. In addition, Pinus torreyana Parry ex Carrière and P. torreyana Parry ex Torr. are second‐step neotypified and lectotypified on the same specimen, respectively, resulting in the two names being treated as isonyms. Because Carrière’s description of Torrey pine is limited to the characteristics of seed and cone, where the measurements of the cone appear to be in error, P. torreyana is epitypified on a new collection from the type locality, which includes mature female cones. The disposition of three recently discovered duplicate specimens of the neotype of Pinus lophosperma Lindl. is clarified.

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