
To investigate the pollutants emissions during the retired wind turbine blade (RWTB) recycle process by thermal chemistry method, three ambiences (N2, O2 and CO2) and four temperatures (400, 600, 800 and 1000 °C) conditions were tested. Results show that either enhancing temperature or adding CO2 can both pronouncedly boost the HCN and NO formation and restrain the HCl formation. At 1000 °C, the nitrogen release in the form of HCN exceeds 44%, 94% of the total nitrogen in N2, CO2 ambience, respectively. The oxygen atom of NO mainly comes from the RWTB itself rather than the external oxygen, which means the traditional NOx reducing technology such as staged air or staged fuel technology is infeasible for NOx reduction. In addition, by comparing the RWTB and coals pyrolysis products, the nitrogen structure differences were deduced. The nitrogen in the coal is located in the aromatic rings while that is in the aliphatic chains in RWTB, which is more prone to be broken for the C-N bond. For the chlorine in RWTB, it is organic chlorine locating at the aliphatic chains which is easy to be released in the form of HCl at low temperature (400 °C).

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