
ABSTRACT: Access to a quality learning materials in the era of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is increasingly massive, so it can solve problems such as imbalances in the quality of educational materials and access to the intended materials. Every country in the world strives to provide wide-open access through the use of web-based applications to facilitate and provide support to the population on the needs of teaching materials according to their needs. Distance learning can be one of the alternative solutions done easily by utilizing ICT infrastructure. In Indonesia, research on OER ( O pen E ducational R esources ) in the field of vocational education has not been widely carried out, more research has been conducted only on aspects of the application of OER in higher education in general. The purpose of this research is how to develop a typical OER development model for prospective vocational high school teachers in LPTK ( Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan or Education Institute for Education Personnel )’s University based in an effort to improve their quality and competence. This research method uses DBR ( Design-Based Research ). Through a series of tests, it can be seen that the model developed has been able to improve student competence in achieving learning outcomes, through the implementation of pre-test and post-test at each practice session carried out. The results show that the average of the consensus from the experts for all aspects of the model that has been developed is 88.8%. This shows that the typical OER development model in this study is very feasible to be implemented widely. KEY WORDS: Information Technology; Educational Technology; Open Educational Resources; Design-Based Research. About the Authors: Saripudin, M.T. is a Student at the Technological and Vocational Education Study Program of SPs UPI (School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia. Pof. Dr. As'ari Djohar and Dr. Dedi Rohendi are the Lecturers at the Technological and Vocational Education Study Program of SPs UPI in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Authors are able to be contacted via e-mail address at: saripudin@upi.edu , asaridjohar@upi.edu , and dedir@upi.edu Suggested Citation: Saripudin, As'ari Djohar & Dedi Rohendi. (2021). “Typical OER (Open Educational Resources) Development Model for Prospective Vocational High School Teachers in Indonesia” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies , Volume 13(2), February, pp.131-152. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online). Article Timeline: Accepted (December 14, 2020); Revised (January 15, 2021); and Published (February 28, 2021).

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