
This paper is on simple theory of types and some of its extensions. Simple theory of types is certainly one of the most natural systems of set theory; the reason for this is that it is defined rather by a family of structures than by a system of axioms. In order to describe such a structure let T0 be a nonempty — finite or infinite — set; elements of T0 are elements of type 0. T1 is the set of subsets of T0; T2 is the set of subsets of T1, and in general Tn+l is the set of subsets of Tn (n natural number). If the set T0 is finite, we can write down this tower to any level we want; let us consider the case where T0 has exactly one element a: T0 is (a), T1 is (⋀, (a)) (⋀ is the empty set) T2 is (⋀, (⋀), ((a)), (⋀, (a))), etc. If T0 has n0 elements, the number of elements of T1 is n1 = 2no and of nk is the number of elements of Tk, nk+1=2nk. It T0 is infinite, these relations still hold if the number nk of elements of Tk is interpreted as the cardinal of Tk and if powers of 2 are defined in the usual way. In the infinite case such definitions are only possible on the basis of a set theory; as we do not want to presuppose such a theory, we formalize and axiomatize type theory. As to formalization, there are essentially two ways of doing it. The first possibility is to introduce a predicate Pk for each type k: Pk(a) says that a is an element of type k. The second possibility (which will be chosen) is to introduce a separate sequence of variables for each type.

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