
Abstract The adult and larva of Typhloelmis Barr, a new genus of eyeless, stygobiontic elmid from springs in west-central Texas, and the adults of three new species, Typhloelmis caroline Barr, Typhloelmis finegan Barr, and Typhloelmis sanfelipe Barr, are described, diagnosed, and illustrated. Taxonomic couplets are provided for the insertion of the new genus into existing adult elmid generic keys, and an adult key to the species of Typhloelmis is included. Stygobiontic elmids are reviewed, and the uniqueness of Typhloelmis is discussed. Typhloelmis is the first stygobiontic elmid genus reported from the Nearctic ecozone and is the seventh described worldwide. It is only the second elmid genus known to be anophthalmic (completely eyeless). The Edwards-Trinity Aquifer and the spring habitat in which the genus and species occur are described in detail, and potential threats are discussed.

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