
The article is devoted to the study of human participation as a member of the community in the existence and functioning of the territorial community. The article contains a description of the types of territorial communities, as well as their general features. The article defines the way a person functions as a member of the community in the territorial community. It is determined that the territorial communities of the primary level are those communities in which a person fully realizes his right to local self- government, including, first of all, the realization of their existential interests and other needs due to the implementation of human life cycle within the territorial community. , mainly in the ordinary implementation of statehood. It is noted that the activities of local councils and their executive bodies in the understanding of teleological guidelines are carried out on behalf of and in the interests of the respective territorial communities, so there is a clear methodological and procedural link that arises in the implementation of these rights and interests. This issue is quite relevant, because most local communities and their members focus and concretize their needs and interests through the formation of key issues of local importance, which is a fundamental object of the institution of local government and local government. It is determined that the possibilities of territorial communities to determine their own administrative structures are quite limited in Ukraine, they are quite exhaustively defined centrally – in the relevant Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine". In addition, the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol have not yet established their own executive structures of local self-government, and their functions are entrusted to the relevant local state administrations. This significantly limits the implementation of the principle of organizational autonomy.


  • Стаття присвячена дослідженню питання участі людини як члена громади у існуванні та функціонуванні територіальної громади

  • The article is devoted to the study of human participation as a member of the community in the existence and functioning of the territorial community

  • It is determined that the territorial communities of the primary level are those communities in which a person fully realizes his right to local selfgovernment, including, first of all, the realization of their existential interests and other needs due to the implementation of human life cycle within the territorial community. , mainly in the ordinary implementation of statehood

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Стаття присвячена дослідженню питання участі людини як члена громади у існуванні та функціонуванні територіальної громади. Ще більш важливим постає питання визначення участі та обізнаності у можливості людини приймати участь як член територіальної громади для реалізації своїх екзистенційних настанов – інтенцій, потреб, устремлінь, інтересів, атитюдів, бо саме від цього залежить цінність такої громади в межах локального соціуму та в умовах місцевого самоврядування, первинним суб’єктом якого і виступає така громада

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