
The article is devoted to the study of the types of international judicial institutions and their role in ensuring theright to judicial protection. It is noted that the Manila Declaration provides for a judicial settlement of disputes andarbitration. The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The InternationalCriminal Court is the permanent body with jurisdiction over persons responsible for particularly serious crimes, inaddition to national criminal jurisdictions. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is an independent, conven-tional body whose function is to protect human rights in the states of North and South America. The Arab Court ofHuman Rights has not yet begun its work, although the Court’s mandate allows States parties to lodge complaints.The African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights is an independent body whose purpose is to protect human rightsin African countries. The jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights extends to all matters of interpretationand application of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its protocols.The Court of Justice of the European Union interprets EU law and provides for the settlement of disputes by the EU’snational government-institutions. It is emphasized that regional judicial institutions are designed to protect the rightsand freedoms of man and citizen. They are part of a subsidiary human rights protection mechanism that can be applied once all national remedies have been exhausted. Recourse to the International Court of Justice or arbitration isnot an unfriendly act in relations between states, but on the contrary indicates the use of peaceful means of dispute settlement. Unlike other international courts, only international criminal tribunals can be joined in a single proceeding.


  • The article is devoted to the study of the types

  • It is noted that the Manila Declaration provides for a judicial settlement

  • The International Criminal Court is the permanent body with jurisdiction over persons

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The article is devoted to the study of the types of international judicial institutions and their role in ensuring the right to judicial protection. Кононенко щодо визначення поняття компетенції міжнародної судової установи як права «розглянути спір між державами з певних питань у межах міжнародного права і винести обов’язкове для них рішення» - «дане формулювання частково містить ознаки юрисдикції (право суду розглянути певну справу) і компетенції (межі розгляду спору, окреслені сторонами шляхом постановки перед судом питань, на які той повинен відповісти, а також право постановити обов’язкове рішення)» [8].

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