
Capturing economic rent from natural resources, particularly forests, frequently still creates disagreement between the government and businesses. The charges imposed by the government in the forms of reboisation fund (DR) and forest resource provision (PSDH) have been in place for very long time, accepted by all stakeholders, and supported by laws. Government policy regarding compensation for forest stand value (GRNT) creates controvercies. This paper intends to clarify problem of forest charges by returning it to its fundamental theories, e.g. economic theory of natural resouces. Economic rent of forests that are controlled by the government is the right of all Indonesia people. Henece, the government has responsibility for capturing the rent as much as possible in the most efficient way. If the stumpage is too low then it potentially promotes overcutting, whereas if it is too high then it makes forest business less attractive that potentially promotes illegal activities. In forestry, economic rent of forest has a special name, it is stumpage price. There are some difficulties in estimating a competitive stumpage price, wheter the one obtained through a direct competitive auction of standing timber or through calculation of residual price. Partly, the difficulties were generated by the government’s own policies that strongly distorted log prices. Log export ban and vertical integration are the two most influential policies in distorting log prices. Actually, the government is able to design and implement a single charge to capture PSDH, DR, and GRNT so that their administration becomes much simpler and more efficient.


  • Capturing economic rent from natural resources, forests, frequently still creates disagreement between the government and businesses

  • The charges imposed by the government in the forms

  • Economic rent of forests that are controlled by the government is the right of all

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Teori Ekonomi Sumber Daya

Sumber daya alam yang telah tersedia di alam dapat dimanfaatkan hari ini atau ditunda hingga beberapa waktu yang akan datang. Biaya kesempatan merupakan faktor tambahan yang harus dimasukkan dalam persamaan. Biaya kesempatan sumber daya alam mempunyai sebutan lain seperti rental rate (Brown et al 1978), royalty (Fisher 1981), resource rent (Vincent 1990), scarcity rent (Livernois & Martin 2001), in situ value (Lee 2007), dan di kehutanan dikenal dengan stumpage price (Klemperer 1996) atau stumpage rate (Grafton et al 1998). Pendekatan yang banyak digunakan dalam menentukan stumpage price adalah dengan menghitung nilai sisa dari nilai pasar kayu dikurangi biaya angkut, biaya produksi, dan keuntungan serta resiko. Bahkan dalam keadaan sumber daya alam sangat melimpah, biaya kesempatan mendekati nol sehingga ekstraksi sumber daya alam mengikuti kaidah harga atau penerimaan marginal sama dengan biaya marginal (Gambar 1). Jika penjagaan terhadap sumber daya alam dapat dilakukan secara sempurna maka tingkat stumpage price yang ditetapkan pemerintah akan menentukan tingkat produksi kayu bulat, artinya stumpage price tinggi (rendah) akan mengurangi (meningkatkan) ekstraksi sumber daya alam. Nilai tegakan dari lelang tegakan tetap dianggap sebagai ukuran kelangkaan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan nilai tegakan yang

Biaya marginal dan rent
Teori dalam Praktik
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