
Behavioural disorders, including feather pecking and cannibalism, are a common problem in both domestic and wild birds. The consequences of this behaviour on welfare of birds incur serious economic losses. Pecking behaviour in birds is either normal or injurious. The type of normal pecking behaviour includes non-aggressive feather pecking – allopreening and autopreening. Aggressive feather pecking aimed at maintenance and establishment of hierarchy in the flock is not associated to feathering damage. Injurious pecking causes damage of individual feathers and of feathering as a whole. Two clinical presentations of feather pecking are known in birds. The gentle feather pecking causes minimum damage; it is further divided into normal and stereotyped with bouts; it could however evolve into severe feather pecking manifested with severe pecking, pulling and removal, even consumption of feathers of the victim, which experiences pain. Severe feather pecking results in bleeding from feather follicle, deterioration of plumage and appearance of denuded areas on victim’s body. Prolonged feather pecking leads to tissue damage and consequently, cannibalism. The nume­rous clinical presentations of the latter include pecking of the back, abdomen, neck and wings. Vent pecking and abdominal pecking incur important losses especially during egg-laying. In young birds, pulling and pecking of toes of legs is encountered. All forms of cannibalistic pecking increase morta­lity rates in birds. Transition of various pecking types from one into another could be seen, while the difference between gentle, severe feather pecking and cannibalism is not always distinct.

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