
The type III CRISPR–Cas systems provide immunity against invading nucleic acids through the coordinated transcription-dependent DNA targeting and cyclic adenylate (cAn)-activated RNA degradation. Here, we show that both these pathways contribute to the Streptococcus thermophilus (St) type III-A CRISPR–Cas immunity. HPLC-MS analysis revealed that in the heterologous Escherichia coli host the StCsm effector complex predominantly produces cA5 and cA6. cA6 acts as a signaling molecule that binds to the CARF domain of StCsm6 to activate non-specific RNA degradation by the HEPN domain. By dissecting StCsm6 domains we demonstrate that both CARF and HEPN domains act as ring nucleases that degrade cAns to switch signaling off. CARF ring nuclease converts cA6 to linear A6>p and to the final A3>p product. HEPN domain, which typically degrades RNA, also shows ring nuclease activity and indiscriminately degrades cA6 or other cAns down to A>p. We propose that concerted action of both ring nucleases enables self-regulation of the RNase activity in the HEPN domain and eliminates all cAn secondary messengers in the cell when viral infection is combated by a coordinated action of Csm effector and the cA6-activated Csm6 ribonuclease.

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