
ABSTRACT Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are successful cosmological distance indicators and important element factories in the chemical evolution of galaxies. They are generally thought to originate from thermonuclear explosions of carbon–oxygen white dwarfs in close binaries. However, the observed diversity among SNe Ia implies that they have different progenitor models. In this article, we performed the long-term evolution of NS+He star binaries with different initial He star masses ($M_{\rm He}^{\rm i}$) and orbital periods ($P_{\rm orb}^{\rm i}$) for the first time, in which the He star companions can explode as SNe Ia eventually. Our simulations indicate that after the He stars develop highly degenerate oxygen–neon (ONe) cores with masses near the Chandrasekhar limit, explosive oxygen burning can be triggered due to the convective Urca process. According to these calculations, we obtained an initial parameter space for the production of SNe Ia in the $\rm log\,$$P^{\rm i}_{\rm orb}{\text {--}}M^{\rm i}_{\rm He}$ plane. Meanwhile, we found that isolated mildly recycled pulsars can be formed after He stars explode as SNe Ia in NS+He star binaries, in which the isolated pulsars have minimum spin periods ($P_{\rm spin}^{\rm min}$) of ∼30–110 ms and final orbital velocities of ${\sim} \rm 60{\!-\!}360\, km\, s^{-1}$, corresponding to initial orbital periods of 0.07–10 d. Our work suggests that the NS+He star channel may contribute to the formation of isolated mildly recycled pulsars with velocity $\rm {\lesssim} 360\, km\, s^{-1}$ in observations, and such isolated pulsars should locate in the region of pulsars with massive white dwarf companions in the $P_{\rm spin} {\!-\!}\dot{P}_{\rm spin}$ diagram.

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