
This review article addresses the largely unanticipated convergence of two landmark discoveries. The first is the discovery of interferons, critical signaling molecules for all aspects of both innate and adaptive immunity, discovered originally by Isaacs and Lindenmann at the National Institute for Medical Research, London, in 1957 (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 1957, 147, 258). The second, formerly unrelated discovery, by Leonard Hayflick and Paul Moorhead (Wistar Institute, Philadelphia) is that cultured cells undergo an irreversible but viable growth arrest, termed senescence, after a finite and predictable number of cell divisions (Experimental Cell Research, 1961, 25, 585). This phenomenon was suspected to relate to organismal aging, which was confirmed subsequently (Nature, 2011, 479, 232). Cell senescence has broad‐ranging implications for normal homeostasis, including immunity, and for diverse disease states, including cancer progression and response to therapy (Nature Medicine, 2015, 21, 1424; Cell, 2019, 179, 813; Cell, 2017, 169, 1000; Trends in Cell Biology, 2018, 28, 436; Journal of Cell Biology, 2018, 217, 65). Here, we critically address the bidirectional interplay between interferons (focusing on type I) and cell senescence, with important implications for health and healthspan.

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